We started out with NEBS like I bet most people do. Do not use this company. They will a) almost always mess up your orders b) mess up your mobile oil change logo if you do have one or c) come out looking really bad and cheap. I had several NEBS stickers that came in a light blue that you could barely see.
Then I went from the static cling stickers to the oil change reminder stickers that actually stick to the windshield because the other ones keep falling off especially when it got cold. The problem is that these still looked "cheap" and with these you couldn't get them to come off especially when it got really cold. They were almost glued to the windshield.
It took me three years to find the perfect company to supply my mobile oil change business with the stickers I wanted. I wanted my reminder stickers to look just like the ones at Jiffly Lube. In my

This is the site I use to get the best brand name oil change stickers at the lowest possible price. You can get a roll of Quaker State or Pennzoil oil change reminder stickers for an extremely cheap price. They are the static cling oil change stickers. Here is the contact information that I used:
Sherry Caudle
Administrative Assistant
Communication Graphics Inc.
1765 N. Juniper
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
1-800-331-4438 ext. 235You can try and call that same number. If she does not work there any longer ask who is in charge of that department. That company does a lot of things including making the actual printer that prints the oil change stickers. They problem is that they will most likely work in your mobile oil change set up. The power needed is going to be too much. It is not impossible to do just most likely not worth it. Once they send you the order form all you have to do is give them your business name and phone number. They will imprint your business information right underneath the brand logo be it Shell, Quaker State, Pennzoil, etc... It looks really professional.
Okay so now you know where to go. This ties right into my other topic: branding.
You do not have enough capital to reinvent the wheel. The wheel can be made better but none of us have the capital to do so, or at least likely to have it. Go with things and brands that people already know and trust for your mobile oil change business. This is one of the main reasons I should have never went with the Oil Extreme brand. Nobody knew about it.
I used Pennzoil and Quaker State and Mobil 1 for my oil. Those are the top three oils that everyone knows and trusts. If you are talking with any customer who uses synthetic oil and they ask you what oil you use say "Mobil 1" and 99.9% of people will be 110% satisfied with that. Everyone loves Mobil 1. Everyone is comfortable with the other two. These companies put 100s of millions of dollars into adversting. Ride them. Don't go with XYZ oil, no matter how good it is, who do not have any brand recognition. You would have to spend millions in climbling that hill. Maybe if you win the lottery.
Again, go with the three major players. Go with Quaker State, Pennzoil, or Mobile 1, whoever is cheaper for your oil change sticker and oil needs. Nobody will complain.
When you are doing diesels go with Rotella 15W-40 or Chevron Dello. Rotella is always the best though. I have found that people who love Dello are equally okay with using Dello if they have to. But I have found that Rotella fans ONLY use Rotella and there is NOTHING you can say to convince them otherwise. And I do mean nothing. Even if they look like they are listening to you they are not and you are wasting your time. "Rotella is the only thing thats ever been in my engine and thats how its gonna stay" I've heard.
The mobile oil change business is hard. Having said that all the obstacles associated with it can be overcome. Low profit margins, weather, cheap customers, market forces, income levels, competion are all things you will have to face. I hope that I have led you all who are serious about this in the right direction. Remember that if you are in business in the US and you do not make at least $100 per hour, and I do not care where you live, you are wasting your time. That may seem like a lot but at expenses and taxes that 100/hr will not be anywhere close to there. Shoot for $30/hr for your mobile oil change business and you are working for free. You just will not realise it until the end of every month when your credit card bill comes or every April when you have to pay 22% taxes.
BWT, this mobile oil change website is complete bullshit and is an example on what to believe or follow
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